©1986 COLECO INDUSTRIES, INC. U.S.A. stamped into mold. Motor isn’t working.
StarCom Shadow Raider™
StarCom, Shadow Force™ Evil Enemy, Shadow Raider™ sneak attack vehicle. Shadow Raider™ has speed, attack, and cargo carrying modes via multi-positionable tracks. Press Power Deploy™ to go from closed/speed- to open/attack-mode and deploy scatterbalst cannon with extendable barrels and front guns. Or, stand tracks upright in any mode to carry a vehicle or cargo pod (sold separately) by rolling Shadow Raider™ over so the MagnaLock™ lifter can pick it up. Although power motor is not working, Shadow Raider™ springs open to attack-mode! Sold with three (of four) tracks, as is, with original instructions and assault team leader/driver Capt. Battlecron-9 (pictured at rear, swiveling paralaser guns).
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